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OC Mutual Aid

OCPCC Mutual Aid Projects are all done along side both UCI4COLA and Anaheim Autonomous Coalition.

What is mutual aid?


Mutual aid is tangible care for community. It is taking shared responsibility for community care by attempting to reduce the harm of current systemic structures and collectively changing the political conditions of our neighborhoods. 


Mutual aid can be done by sharing resources, meeting needs, and supporting our most vulnerable community members.


Mutual Aid is love.

How can I help?


There are several ways you can help mutual aid in Orange County.


1. Subscribe to our monthly sustainer to donate as little as $1 a month. 


2. Purchase items from our wishlist to help support one of the projects listed below. 


3. E-mail us to see how you can get involved in our distributions or partner with us to run a donation drive in your community. 

Reclamation and Redistribution  

Each week we receive between 1500-3000 pounds of reclaimed groceries. 100% of this produce gets redistributed to over 600 individuals throughout Anaheim and Santa Ana via grocery pop ups and a community produce delivery network. These grocery pop up's and deliveries are along side and facilitated by local Señoras who know and fulfill the direct needs of their communities.


As police throughout Southern California continue to harass and displace our unhoused community members, we engage in encampment 

and community defense to stop police "sweeps" where our neighbors belongings are stolen and thrown away. Along side unhoused community member we strategize on how best to support them in relocating or rebuilding current encampments after police attacks.

OC Protest Community Coalition Logo.jpg

More Projects on the way



Hot Meal Pop Up's and Distros

Using both produce received from the grocery reclamation and fresh ingredients purchased with community donations, hot meals and sack lunches along with care packs of snacks and hygiene supplies are created. These are then distributed throughout encampments of our unsheltered neighbors in Santa Ana and Anaheim. 

Emergency Resource 

When our unhoused or low income neighbors have emergency needs we aim to fulfill those needs as quickly as possible. Some of these needs are tents, cleaning supplies, medical supplies, transportation, bill or rental support, clothes, food, personal items, support in regaining personal documents or emergency housing.


Solidarity Packs

As incarcerated folks are released they often have little to no support, transportation, or necessary supplies. Using donations from the community we offer support by creating solidarity packs that are distributed to folks at time of release including snacks, hygiene supplies, socks, water, gift cards and more. 

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